New Warehouse & Office Clean – Dagenham

This new warehouse and office space in Dagenham required several aspects of cleaning to ensure it was ready to be handed over to the new occupants. This included exterior, interior and floor cleaning.

All exterior cladding, windows and doors needed washing down so we used a pressure washer to carry this out. It’s an easier way to clean high exterior areas like this as you are able to work from the ground which makes it much safer for those involved. The internal cladding also needed a good clean. For this part of the job we had to use a scissor lift to get to all those high reach areas, cleaning all the internal steels. After the internal walls were all cleaned we were able to clean the floors. The floors were cleaned by using a walk behind scrubber dryer machine. This type of machine is perfect for a job like this where you have a large area of floor to go round but is too much to sweep and mop. The results are much better too! We also carried out a build clean to the welfare facilities.

This particular job was carried out over a number of visits, focusing on one area each time. Once we were finished the warehouses were ready to go and the customer was very happy with the results! Check out some before and after photos below..